Sunday, June 14, 2009

More Ketchup

Some more catch-upping. first a picture of Jen and I's godson, Joey Crouthamel with his parents, Brenda and Matt at his recent birthday party. Then a couple pictures of our pets: cat Greg, and dog, Roxy. Cat Kenney must have been hiding at the time of the photo shoot. Then some pictures of a fun outing down to bro in law Robby's parents' house for a summery hangout evening and pickleball extravaganza. Then a picture of bro David with his wannabe Snuggy, as well as a couple pics from sister Heather's March birthday get-together. Followed by pics from St. Patrick's Day 2009 where we feasted on corned beef and cabbage, colcannon, soda bread, and Black and Tans. And the last picture is of the stateside gang at the Seattle PF Chang's the night we went to the Lion King production at the Paramount. Fun night!

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