Friday, January 25, 2008

A few more miscellaneous pics

Just a few more pictures from the Jensco Corporation. The first is a gorgeous amaryllis flower we got for Christmas from Scott's parents. We're going to start a new tradition of annually growing one of these amazing indoor flowers. The next is of Jen's brother Andy helping Scott build the kennel for Roxy that she'll be ocassionally using once the garage gets a bit warmer. The next is of our other kids, Greg and Kenney. The last is a trio of pictures from a winter walk we took with Scott's sister Heather and her boyfriend, Robby, at one of our favorite Tacoma places, Chambers Bay Golf Course.

You requested it, you got it-- More Roxy pics!

Here are more pictures of our 9-pounds-of-trouble puppy, Roxy. She's been really fun but a lot of work too. We don't want to hear any more complaining by new parents of infants about, "Oh, it's so hard!" We've been getting up multiple times a night, packing a bag whenever we take her places, monitoring her bathroom habits, and trying to train her to be in her crate-- you know, all the usual parents of infant things. But even with the challenges, we've fallen in love with her, and in all seriousness, she's a good girl. Easier to work with than most puppies her age. She loves to be around us and is definitely part of the family. The cats aren't so sure about her yet though...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Puppy Pictures...

Here's the latest pictures of our soon to be dog, Roxy!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We want a cute, rolly-polly puppy...and her name is Roxy!

The Jensco Corp. has been researching Boxer dogs since spring of 2007 and we received word on December 31st that a six and a half week old Boxer puppy could be ours in a few weeks! We drove down to Rochester, WA on January 1st to check out the liter, meet the breeders (Britlyn Boxers / and meet our puppy, "Flashy Girl 1." We had so much fun seeing the six puppies and got to interact with several other grown Boxers.
The plan is pick up Roxy on Saturday, January 12th. Stay tuned for stories and pictures of training and adopting this adorable dog!

Enjoy some of the cute photos of the coming addition to the Jensco family!

2007 in Review

2007 was an eventful year and we have a lot to be thankful for!

To begin with, we were able to take a few trips, first going in the Spring on a short Seely family vacation to Lake Shuswap in British Columbia, where we enjoyed relaxing in a big house and taking in the scenery. Then, we went back to Canada in May for our first wedding anniversary. The weekend was split between Victoria and Vancouver and, despite Scott coming down with a bad cold on the second day, it was fun. We wandered the inner harbor of Victoria, toured Butchart Gardens, and had a great Thai dinner in Vancouver. In July, we went on a Moll family vacation to Crow Butte, a campground on the Columbia River, south of Prosser. This was a fun time too, sleeping in a tent, catching up with family, and spending most of our days playing games and swimming in the river. Our last trip was the annual Leavenworth weekend with Scott’s family in October. It lived up to our anticipation again, with the beautiful mountain views, family times, and great German food! Jen even got Scott to join her for the Chicken Dance to polka music in the town hall.

Other miscellaneous events this year include Scott coming down with mono in September. He doesn’t recommend it, but fortunately it didn’t last as long as it could have, plus Jen dodged it. We also worked on a handful of house and yard projects, our favorite being the creation of an Asian-style sideyard off of our kitchen, complete with a trellis with bamboo screens, a bistro table and chairs, and big clay pots brimming with golden bamboo. It was fun to BBQ and eat dinner out there on summer evenings. Check out the before and after pictures.
We also ran a couple races. The first was a 12K in June, the Sound to Narrows, where Jen surprised Scott by running a pace that was a minute faster per mile than she’d been able to do in her training. The second race was a 5K, the Third Annual Seely-Ogden Invitational Run in Leavenworth.