Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our 16 Minutes of Fame!

On April 29th, we left for our long-awaited, long-planned European Odyssey. We'll be sharing a few photos and thoughts from the trip. But let's start with the fame it resulted in-- On June 22nd, news of our journey made The Tacoma News Tribune! Well, it wasn't that hard. They encourage people to take copies of the paper with them on vacation and then take a photo to prove that The News Tribune is a worldwide publication. If you're lucky enough they print your photo in a Sunday edition. And we were lucky enough! That was fifteen of our minutes of fame. Several people mentioned they saw us in the paper. Then we had one last minute of fame because the Tribune incorrectly condensed my description of the photo, placing us in the wrong spot in Deutschland. They printed a correction a couple days later, not because we called them, but because some other soul out there was familiar enough with Wurzburg to complain.

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