Sunday, March 30, 2008

A few more March pics...

March was a great month! Along with Heather's engagement, we also enjoyed visits by Jen's mom, Susan Moll, brother Andy, sister-in-law, Nicole, and niece Zoe. Roxy kept us busy too. And last but not least, Jen got a new haircut. Scott approves!

Heather and Robby's engagement!

Scott's sister, Heather, got engaged to Robby Lanouette on March 27th. They plan a July wedding, and we're really excited to have Robby in the family! He's a great addition, and most importantly of course, a great match for Heather. The engagement day saw Robby surprising her with a limousine pickup, followed by the proposal at Titlow Beach, a ride to a city overlook for a prayertime, and then celebrating with the rest of us.

Trip to Oklahoma!

We traveled to Inola, Oklahoma, (a half hour east of Tulsa) over the Easter weekend to see the first of the next generation Seelys, Josiah David, born to Stephen and Valerie. We packed a lot into our short weekend there. The whole family made it, and we enjoyed being nine-strong for the first time. (Soon to be ten! See the post on sister Heather's engagement.) Highlights were seeing our cute nephew, catching up with Stephen and Valerie, spending time with Valerie's wonderful family, (parents, Harvey and Verna, and sister Andrea) meeting the gracious Bobbi who hosted us at her nearby home, and touring the Jantz farm. Jen and I really enjoyed our short taste of country life!